Home » $50 Carbon Inset Certificate Price by 2023 in Circular Economy Value Chains.

$50 Carbon Inset Certificate Price by 2023 in Circular Economy Value Chains.


The latest Baringa white paper projects a carbon inset price of up to $50 per tonne by 2030 within specific circular economy value chains.

We believe that the potential value of inset certificates through re-use and recycling of handsets creates upstream and downstream value potential:

  1. Incentives OEMs to design handsets with second and third-life targets
  2. Create financial benefits for telcos that implement targeted re-use schemes
  3. Provide incentives for ITADs to expand their smart phone refurb offerings

The refurbished smartphone market was projected to reach US$80 billion in 2024. By 2030, at a price of $50 per tonne, the value of avoided emission certificates could add another US$1.5 billion in revenue across the value chains.

Conclusion: investing in circular economy-driven business models drives sustainability and opens significant revenue streams.

You can read the White Paper here

Sebastian Foot

Co-founder of Bloom Sustainability Advisors.

20+ years sustainable finance experience.

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