Home » How scope 4 certificates can impact for e-waste processors and corporates

How scope 4 certificates can impact for e-waste processors and corporates


Did you know that book-and-claim certificates from the re-use and recycling of e-waste assets have attributes that make them a high-quality alternative to carbon credits? Similar to environmental certificates for clean fuels, but focused on scope 3.

We believe that the avoided emissions associated with sustainable re-use and recycling of e-waste will help global OEMs and corporates with large technology footprints to tackle scope 3 emissions in their supply chains (think telcos and data centre operators).

And scope 3 supply chain engagement is at the top of the list of recommendations from the GHG Protocol and Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Hence, they could offer a supplier-backed alternative to carbon credits.

Our analysis suggests that even at modest prices these avoided emissions certificates will generate new revenue streams for e-waste processors and help OEMs create new offerings for their customers.

A win-win for everyone, no?

Sebastian Foot

Co-founder of Bloom Sustainability Advisors.

20+ years sustainable finance experience.

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